Tuesday 14 February 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Broke My Heart

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature at The Broke and the Bookish.

Books that broke my heart.  What exactly does that mean? Broke my heart in that they were sad? Broke my heart in that there was a stupid cliffhanger, again?! Broke my heart in that they didn't live up to the hype? I'm guessing a little bit of each. So, I'm sharing with you my list of SIX books that broke my heart for different reasons. Some good. Some, not so good.

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
I do not want to start a debate, but I hate this book. It did not live up to the hype in my eyes.  I actually pretend that it isn't part of the series.  I felt like it wasn't even a part of the series and checked that  it was even written by the same author!  There was so much lacking here, I can't even begin to talk about it. My heart broke.  I wanted it to be so much more. I missed my Peeta.

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
I can not even tell you the feelings I had when I found out Clary and Jace were siblings.  I threw the book. Then I called my sister and told her she had better tell me what the end of the book entailed, and the rest of the series or I would never take her recommendation ever again.  I don't think I could have gotten through the next books without knowing those few small pieces of info. Shock of my life. But, EXCELLENT series! If you've not read it, DO IT NOW!

Wings by Aprilynne Pike
Laurel, you chose the wrong boy! What's wrong with you?! ARE YOU CRAZY?! I've been wanting to slap you silly for the past few years. Destined, the final installent in this quartet, comes out this spring and she had better fix it! Team Tamani FOREVER!

These is My Words by Nancy Turner
Why is this book on every list? Because it's my all time favorite, that's why! My sister sent me this book. It arrived soaked in water. The postman must have dropped in the the ocean. I put it in the oven and used the hair dryer on it to get it dry.  I read it all crinkled.  When I was done I was crying so hard I needed to call my sister to console me.  She answered and I just started bawling.  She said,"You finished it didn't you?" Yes I did. Bravo! Amazing book! Broke my heart. The ending is...well, I can't tell you. But, it is heartbreaking. I was so glad to find out that there were two more books.  I needed more.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne
Oh. My. Goodness. Shock. That's what the end of this books was.  It wasn't like I didn't know something like this wasn't going to happen. It's the Holocaust for crying out loud! But, I was not prepared for the details.  I wasn't. My hands clasped my mouth and I let out a cry when I read the ending.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Another Holocaust book. Of course, you know there will be death, but it's the who. It is the fact that things were never said or done before said person dies. Shocking. Tears. One of the best books I've ever read. Broke my heart.


  1. I haven't started THE HUNGER GAMES trilogy because of the very dissatisfaction you and everyone I've talked to voiced. Great blog by the way, Roland

  2. Great list! Totally agree on the 1st top 4=D

    Drop by my Top 10?

  3. I love that Laurel went for David in Wings but I think I'm start to lean towards Tamani, after all a faerie is much more interesting than a human haha! :)

  4. The Book Thief makes my list...and same, probably one of the best books I ever read

  5. @Roland The Hunger Games and Catching Fire were amazing! I think that is why Mockingjay is such a let down. The previous books were just so good it is hard to do it a 3rd time maybe. It just felt off. The series is worth the read though!

    @Beverly Team Tamani forever! I've wanted them together since the beginning and is Laurel doesn't get her act together in this final installment I'm going to go ballistic!

    @Vicki The Book Thief is a classic. I think everyone should read it! AMAZING. Period.

  6. Oh, I agree that These Is My Wors is so wonderful, but also heartbreaking. Oh my gosh...the letter in the book? Still makes me cry every time. I haven't been able to read the sequel to this one, because I don't want to read a story without a certain character...*gets weepy* Very good list. :)

  7. I'm getting ready to read The Book Thief next...gotta get prepared for the tears. I did like Mockinjay, but it was very different than the rest of the books. I need to read These Is My Words. Great list!

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairytale Reviews

  8. @Sarah I'm so glad you're a fan of These is My Words! We are kindred spirits! I just know it! My sister didn't want to read the other books because she didn't want to know what came after Jack. But, the series is great! I miss Jack, but there is still so much to tell. You need to read the next 2 books!!

    @Jennifer Wow! Another Nancy Turner fan! I love it when people love my favorite book. You'll also love The Book Thief. It is such a unique book. the narrator is death for crying out loud! Mockingjay disappointed me beyond words. It just felt different. I missed Peeta too much, he was never the same. I felt the epilogue was trite.

  9. I will be giving City of Bones another shot! I felt the same way when I found out about Clary and Jace.

    I also agree on Mockingjay. Overall, the book was heartbreaking. =(

  10. I so understand what you mean about City of Bones. I was loving the book and then I found out they were sibs and I was so angry!!! Luckily, we know things ended well with that particular issue!

  11. The heartbreak I experience in City of Bones is probably what got me to read the rest of the series. I thought the first book was pretty weak, but omg this relationship! I couldn't stop, and I'm glad I didn't, because the series vastly improved.

  12. I did the exact same thing when I found that that Clary and Jace were sibilings-threw the book across the room and yelled at my husband for a half hour. The Mortal Instrument series and the companion series Clockwork Devices are some of my very favorite books. And I read Aprilanne Pike's books on your recommedation-love them! And while I do love David, Tamani is a much better fit for Laurel. Excited for the next book! Love your blog, btw!

  13. I usually don't comment on these type of posts but I just had to say...





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