Wednesday, 25 November 2009
UPDATE: Link fixed!
I've got a total of 19 books to giveaway so far in DEC!!! Who doesn't love free books?!
Keep checking back for more giveaways!
Giveaway: The Dresskeeper

Just enter your name and email in the link below and you'll be entered.
This is an International giveaway!
Anyone can enter!
Ends: Wednesday 2nd December
When Picky's Mum forces her to look after Gran, who has dementia, Picky is accidentally transported back to the year 1685, where a man in a wig insists she is someone called Amelia and tries to kill her. Managing to get the dress off just in time, Picky returns to the present with the dress covered in blood. Who is Amelia? Is she dead? Will wearing the other dresses in the chest take Picky back in time too? And does she dare put herself in danger again?
Giveaway: Naked in Knightsbridge

Just enter your name and email in the link below and you'll be entered.
This is an International giveaway!
Anyone can enter!
Ends: Wednesday 2nd December
With mounting debts, threats from a crazy landlord and a cleaning business that was going well until she set fire to someone s house, Jools Grand is about to find herself homeless. She has to come up with a plan, and fast. So with an acute sense of desperation, Jools decides to auction herself online in a marriage of convenience. Who knows, she might even find romance? What Jools isn t banking on is a bidding war between two not-so-eligible bachelors a wealthy, gay, would-be politician who needs a wife as a cover; and a deranged loner with a newly-refurbished basement prison. Add to that a lecherous father, some soon-to-be-exposed secrets and an addiction to pastries, and Jools is set to discover that nothing comes without a price.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009
The Littlest Detective in London

Title: The Littlest Detective in London
Author: Suzy Brownlee
Publisher: Prospera Publishing
Reading Level: 9-12 yrs
Rating: 4/5
The first in a series of eight books, the continuing story of The Littlest Detective in London follows Clementine Cordelia Bird's mission to locate her missing mother. At the same time, a wealthy crime princess from fictitious Slakistan - the evil, designer-clad teenager Natasha Commonov - attempts to free her father from prison. Somehow, the two become inextricably linked - Natasha knows something about Clemmy's mother but refuses to say. And Clemmy manages, often accidentally, to thwart Natasha's nasty plans. Other characters include the food-loving retired spy, Mrs Mackleberry, a paper-folding Japanese policeman, Origami Pete, and a rather unfortunate creature called Ratcat.
I just know my niece will love these books! I know I did! They have a Nancy Drew feeling to them, and they are full of mystery and adventure. A darling book for any age! I can't wait to see what Clemmy's going to get into next.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Library Loot

Set in Talia, a parallel world very similar to 16th-century Italy, the narrative follows Lucien, who in our world is very ill. Given a marbled notebook to use as a diary, the notebook is the unexpected means that transports Lucien to this dangerous new world; a world that thrills to the delight of political intrigue and where a life can be snuffed out with a flash of a merlino blade. The city of Bellezza (Venice in our world) is astonishingly evoked, with a filmic eye to detail, from the sensuousness of silks and velvets, to the thrill and danger of assassination attempts both and foiled and successful. The world of Talia is unforgettably and convincingly real.

Eight hundred years ago, on the night before a brutal civil war ripped apart Languedoc, three books were entrusted to Alais, a young herbalist and healer. Although she cannot understand the symbols and diagrams the books contain, Alais knows her destiny lies in protecting their secret, at all costs. Skilfully blending the lives of two women divided by centuries but united by a common destiny, 'Labyrinth' is a powerful story steeped in the atmosphere and history of southern France.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Featured Author: Melissa Marr
Let me introduce you to Melissa Marr!

Melissa has never been good at choosing just one path. After finishing high school with the dubious honor of being voted "most likely to end up in jail," she went to college and graduate school. There curiosity (and tuition bills) led her to the dual jobs of teaching and slinging drinks at a biker bar. During the daylit hours, she indulged in long literary chats; at night, she lingered with intriguing people with one word names.
Eventually, she went on to bartend at a number of other weird little bars, teach lit both live and online, and discover the joy of tattoos. All three have been great rushes. The latter borders on addiction, but is held in check by the desire to attend the opera without flashing too many tattoos.
After marrying someone who shares the love of ink--on the page and on the skin--Melissa began moving around the country. In the process, she discovered how vast the Mojave really is, how many incredible museums are out there, and how hard it can be to think about settling in one place. She's continued teaching along the way, but traded beer-slinging for book writing.
I buy the theory that who we are is reflected in the minutia, so here are my pieces and parts--
Music-- I love most anything acoustic, traditional Irish & Scottish music, old blues (preferably in bars, live), old punk, rock, or reggae. Honestly, I've yet to find a genre I can't like.
Current Playlist-- Jem, Sugarcult, Ramones, Damien Rice, Tegan & Sara, Linkin Park, Poe, Sex Pistols, AFI, Marilyn Manson, The Used, and Shivaree
Literary authors-- Faulkner, Christina Rossetti, R. Browning, Rilke, Baudelaire, and Kate Chopin.
Recent Reads that Made me Pause in Awe -- Szymborska (in translation) and Laurie Halse Anderson's YA novel Speak.
Repeat Reads -- Eliot (The Wasteland), Conrad (Heart of Darkness), Dillard (The Writing Life), Browning (dramatic monologues), Shakespeare (comedies &/or tragedies, no histories please), Chaucer (C. Tales), and the list just keeps growing.
Books in General--I read an average novel in a few hours, so I have stacks of paperbacks tilting precariously all over the house. My shelves are filled with everything from a biography of Chesty Puller to murder mysteries and folktales. Except for inspirational novels and self-help books, I read most everything I can get my hands on.
Dessert-- tiramisu, still-hot brownies, fresh raspberry pie
Food-- fresh bread, beef stew, green peas, sliced cucumbers, potatoes, clementines . . . I'm a "kick" eater. I want one specific food non-stop for days on--living on heaping plate of peas for meals--and then I move on to something else for a while.
Place-- tidepools, the beach off-season, the Mojave, ghost towns, abandoned buildings, ruins, museums, small dying cities, Sundays downtown in cities where I can wander around towering buildings with few people
Flowers/Plants-- Weeping Willow, Joshua Tree, Calla Lily, Ivy, Iris, wild flowers, cactus, plants that sprout where it seems impossible to thrive, plants that sway, flowers that leave the air thick enough to taste . . .
Tattoos--6 stargazer lilies, a very lengthy vine, a religious symbol in a washed water-colour palate, and a full back piece of Ms. Muse dancing on bones and flowers (in progress). Sigh. It's not nearly enough, but I'm trying to pace myself.
Melissa's Books:

Other Works
How Melissa got Published and Blurbs
Melissa's Blog
Melissa's Website
All info can be found on Melissa Marr's website
Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Title: Shiver
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Publisher: Scholastic
Reading Level: Young Adult
Rating: 4/5
Grace is fascinated by the wolves in the woods behind her house; one yellow-eyed wolf in particular. Every winter, she watches him but every summer, he disappears. Sam leads two lives. In winter he stays in the frozen woods, with the protection of the pack.n summer, he has a few precious months to be human . . . until the cold makes him shift back again. When Grace and Sam finally meet they realize they can't bear to be apart. But as winter nears, Sam must fight to stay human - or risk losing himself, and Grace, for ever
Wow. Great book! Just what I needed. It was a quick read and I was into it immediately. I'd never read a book with wolves in it before, other than Twilight. I enjoyed the love story. I'm a sucker for those. I dreamed of Sam last night *sigh* The story was focused on Grace and Sam with him a werewolf being the backdrop to their story. It was great! You need to pick this up! I love werewolves now!!! I can't wait for the second installment, Linger, out next year.
Caution to parents: There is one instance of teen sex. It is not explicit. No details. But it's there.
Monday, 16 November 2009
The Newsstand {4}
Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things
bookies should know. So scroll down to hear what you can glean from this week.

- Aprilynne Pike has released the cover for her new book in the Wings series, Spells! Released May 4, 2010!!
- What's on the NY Times Best Seller List? Did your favorite make it to the top?
- An overdue library book was returned after 51 years! Check out the fine!
- Author Melissa Marr has a contest going to get an ARC of her new book Radiant Shadows, the next book in the Wicked Lovely Series. Good luck!
- Want free ebooks? Gutenberg has a library of 25,000 titles for you to read for free! If it's free for me!
- Stephen King fans join in gigantic hide and seek to mark book launch.
Sunday, 15 November 2009

The Winner of a hardback copy of
A Change in Altitude by Anita Shreve is:
I've emailed you, please send me your mailing address
asap so I can get your book out to you.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Last Chance

Last day to enter
the International Giveaway for
A Change in Altitude by Anita Shreve.
Anyone can enter!!
Good Luck!
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Naked in Knightsbridge

Title: Naked in Knightsbridge
Author: Nicky Schmidt
Publisher: Prospera
Reading Level: Adult
Rating: 4/5
With mounting debts, threats from a crazy landlord and a cleaning business that was going well until she set fire to someone s house, Jools Grand is about to find herself homeless. She has to come up with a plan, and fast. So with an acute sense of desperation, Jools decides to auction herself online in a marriage of convenience. Who knows, she might even find romance? What Jools isn t banking on is a bidding war between two not-so-eligible bachelors a wealthy, gay, would-be politician who needs a wife as a cover; and a deranged loner with a newly-refurbished basement prison. Add to that a lecherous father, some soon-to-be-exposed secrets and an addiction to pastries, and Jools is set to discover that nothing comes without a price.
If you like The Shopaholic series, you'll love Naked in Knightsbridge. This book is fantastic! An essential if you just want to sit back, relax and escape from the world. Jools is quite the character, one of my favorites, and she'll keep you laughing till the end.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Life Changing Books

Mine would have to be Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. I was in the 6th grade. My sister Katie loved these books and I wanted to know what she loved so much. My best friend Jessica and I both decided we would read them. There are 8 books in the series and I finished in 7 days. I read up in a tree, stayed up late reading in the bathroom (I shared a room with Becca and Amy), read on the tire swing, and did basically nothing else that whole week.
My eyes opened to another world. I could live in another place and time. I could be someone different. I could have new experiences. I couldn't get enough of Anne's story. Thank goodness there were plenty of books in the series.
There have been many of those books along the road where I have felt myself come alive while reading. Those stories where I have been deeply affected by the circumstances I was reading about.
I think reading is for everyone. If someone doesn't like reading, I believe they just haven't found "that" book yet that will open their eyes to what reading can really do for you.
What is that life changing book for you?
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Christmas Once Again

Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas without my Hilary Weeks Christmas CD. It's a staple in my life. I've already brought it out and I'm enjoying it during these autumn months!
Hilary has a NEW Christmas CD out, Christmas Once Again! She has written 3 brand new songs. I've heard the sample CD on Deseret Books and I LOVE IT!! She also has a free download of her singing Simple Gifts.
What a perfect gift for myself! I mean for others of course...
Bring on Christmas! I'm ready!!
Tirissa and the Necklace of Nulidor

Title: Tirissa and the Necklace of Nulidor
Author: Willow
Publisher: Outskirts Press, Inc.
Reading Level: 9-12 yrs old
Rating: 3/5
One day twelve-year-old Tirissa discovers that everyone in her village is under a spell. Everyone but her! Then she sees a mysterious stranger change into a huge bird, a bird with a beak like a sword. Did he cast the spell? Desperate to find someone who can break it, she flees, leaving her village behind. An old herbwoman tells her to seek help from a wizard who lives far away, and her journey takes her across the Three Kingdoms. Along the way she's joined by a kindly troll and a short, fat palace guard. They are pursued by the twin princes of Kellayne, the best hunters in the Blue River Kingdom, as well as by the huge, dangerous bird. Meanwhile, an evil wizard watches Tirissa and her friends in his magic mirror and plans a second spell that will kill everyone in the Three Kingdoms.
I didn't know what to expect with this book. I was pleasantly surprised! I'm a sucker for any fairytale style books. A unique story and it is well written. I probably never would have picked this one up if the author Willow wouldn't have sent it to me. I'm so glad she did! It was so good!
Monday, 2 November 2009
The Newsstand {3}
The News Stand is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things bookies should know. So scroll down to hear what you should glean from this week.

- Brandon Mull has released the cover of the 5th and final book Fablehaven: Keys to the Demon Prison!!! Out March 23, 2010.
- Shannon Hale, one of my favorite authors, is on a book tour! She will be in Utah and the East Coast in November! Check out her calendar to see if she is coming to a city near you!
- In need of a good book? Check out the NY Times Best Seller List. You might find your next gem and see who made the top this week.
- Check out the list of NEW release books for Nov & Dec at B&N Books.
- Always dreamed of working in a library? Check out the ALA's list of library jobs around the country!
- Save Our Pittsburgh Libraries! Check out what local officials are doing to keep them open.
- Want FREE shipping when you buy a book? Check out Better World Books and help contribute to Global Literacy and Save Books From Landfills at the same time! What's NOT to like?
Sunday, 1 November 2009
International Giveaway: A Change in Altitude

What do you have to do to be entered? It's easy here at The Sweet Bookshelf!
Just enter your name and address in the link below and you'll be entered.
International giveaway!
Anyone can enter!
Ends: Sunday 15th November
Good Luck!