Monday 26 November 2012

Confessions {5}

-I don't really care how bad the grammar is. If the story is good I don't even notice.

-I don't like Hardback books. At all.

-I have to finish a book. Even if I didn't like it. I think I've not finished 2 books in the last 5 yrs.

-I read Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery when I was 12 yrs old because I was jealous that my sister loved reading so much and I wanted to be like her. I'll forever be grateful for that book.

-Sometimes I mix up experiences I've had with ones I've read about in books.

-I took New Moon on a date with my husband. We went to see a movie and I read while the film was playing. I couldn't help it. But I did get weird looks.


  1. That last one made me smile. I have yet to do that, take a book on a date with my boyfriend and read it while on the date. However, I can totally see that happening to me, mainly cause I'm a bookaholic and I just know my boyfriend will just find that adorable, haha. ^_^

    What a fun post, Mary!

    1. I read 'The Hunger Games' in the last pew at church. I was afraid I'd be struck by lightening! But obviously not too worried since I didn't put it down. Some things can not be helped. When a good book calls all else must be put on hold for the awesomeness!

  2. OH! Grammar mistakes KILL ME. I can't get past them.
    Hardbacks hurt my fingers. I don't like them either.
    I don't have a problem not finishing a book. I used to hate not being able to finish a book but now, not so much. I have WAY too many books to read to force my way through a book that is not holding my interest or whatever the case may be. Usually, it takes me at least twice as long to read a book I'm not interested in, if not longer.

    I'm reading ROUGE right now, and I HATE how much a like it is to Moulin Rouge. However, I do like the minor differences it has. That's probably the only thing keeping me reading. I ALMOST stopped reading it last night. I'm 79% done and looking forward to it. :(

    1. I just can't get comfortable with a hardback! Too stiff.

      I wish I was better at not finishing a book. But I feel bad since they sent me the book. So, I just keep going.

  3. I don't notice grammar mistakes either and frequently confuse real life with books, haha!

    1. i'm always saying, "a friend of mine...blah blah blah." well it wasn't my friend it was a fictional book i read. but they seemed like friends. Oops!

  4. I love all of this.
    And I wish they would just do away with hardbacks :-/
    I'm SO with you, lol.

    I can't NOT see grammar mistakes anymore.
    And if I've just fnished doing a critique for someone I have to get myself out of critique mode to enjoy what I"m reading... I know. Jo be a little crazy

    1. what's the point of a hardback. i can't even get comfortable with it. i mean, i know it looks nice on the shelf but it feels too stiff.

      maybe if i was an author i would notice grammar more, but i read fro entertainment. just give me the goods! i want the story!

  5. I definitely have to finish a book even if I don't like it! :) I really enjoyed this post!

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

    1. Amen! I just have to get through it. If I don't then I'm still thinking about how I've not finished the book. It bothers me!

  6. Lol, what did you read during the movie? I can't get past bad grammar. It irks. New follower! Your blog is so pink and girly. I love it!

    1. I was reading New Moon. I don't remember what the film was!

  7. So you remember that you were reading New Moon - do you remember the movie?? (And how the heck did you do it in the dark??)

    I'm with you on the grammar though, and it makes me laugh that so many people are grammar nazi's.

    1. I have no idea what the film was! I could see it because we sat in the very front row. the shine from the screen was allowing me to see the pages.

      unless the grammar is really really bad i don't notice. i read for entertainment. just give me the story.


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