Monday 12 November 2012

Confessions {4}

-My most favorite part of book blogging is when someone tells me they read a book I recommended and loved it.

-I scheduled enough posts to cover the whole month of November.

- I did that so I could do NaNoWriMo {National Novel Writing Month} and actually have a shot at finishing it. I've never ever tried to write a novel before but I have an idea.

-When I'm really stressed I'll either not be able to read at all or I'll gorge myself on books to take it all away.

-Sometimes I re-read a book immediately after I finish it. I just don't want the magic to end yet.

-My Kindle is my most favorite thing I've ever owned. It makes me feel a bit guilty that I don't like paperbacks anymore.


  1. Best wishes on the novel. I'm so impressed that you have posts done for all of November :)

  2. I too suffer from Kindle guilt :)

  3. I totally have Kindle guilt and prefer reading from it :0)But I still love regular books. And, I read These is My Words based on your recommendation. As did the rest of my family. I loved it so much because my ancestors lived a life similar and settled in those same areas. Thanks Mary!

  4. I want to re-read books right after I finish them ALL THE TIME.

    I just finished Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell yesterday and I wanted to read it again SO BAD. It was AMAZING. YOU would LOVE it too! :) Got it on NetGalley! :)


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