Wednesday 15 July 2009

These Is My Words

Title: These Is My Words
Author: Nancy E. Turner
Publisher: Regan Books
Reading Level: Adult, not suitable for teenagers
Rating: 5

My sister Becca has been going on and on about this book, so I let her write the book review on this one. I can't wait to read it. It sounds AMAZING!!! Thanks for the review Bec!

This novel in diary format parallels the early history of the Arizona Territories as Sarah and her family travel from the New Mexico Territory and settle down to carve out a new life on a ranch near Tucson in the 1880s. Sarah's diary, based on the author's family memoirs, is a heartwarming and heartbreaking fictional account of a vibrant and gifted young woman. Sarah starts out as an illiterate, fiery 17 year old. Eventually, her writing becomes as smooth and polished as Sarah herself as she becomes a tenacious, literate, and loving wife and mother. A treasure trove of discovered books becomes the source of her self-education.
Life in the new country brings the constant fear of Indian raids and the threat and reality of floods, fire, and rattlesnakes; bandits; rough men, and pretentious women all have an effect on the protagonist but her strong marriage makes the effort worthwhile. Sarah centers her world around her home and family but maintains an independent spirit that keeps her whole and alive throughout her many trials and heartaches.

Friends and family have been urging me to read this book for years now. Although I have a history degree and enjoy historical references I turned my nose up at it. I certainly did not have any intentions on reading a book that is written using poor grammar. I was wrong! I am so glad that I picked this book up. I read it quickly and enjoyed it immensely. The book is packed full of everything you would want in a good book, adventure, ROMANCE (and so much of it), joy, and even sorrow. You will find yourself full of respect for our heroine Sarah, and find yourself day dreaming about her fellow. I will be adding this book to my permanent library as I am sure I will read it over and over again. It is a riveting, excellent read.

Need it NOW?

1 comment:

  1. I loved this series. She is a remarkable woman...makes me feel a little lazy, but also makes me want to work harder.


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