Monday 3 September 2012

More Than an eReader:: Kindle Hidden Features

I'm obsessed with my Kindle. I love it so much. Each time I read I feel a sense of fun just by turning it on!  I also read faster on my Kindle. It's true. I prefer to read on my Kindle now. Does this make me a traitor? No way man! I'm reading aren't I? I'm buying books and enjoying them.

I consider myself computer literate. I may not be tech savvy like my husband, but when it came to my Kindle I wanted to know everything it could do because I wanted to use it. For those of you who are Kindle lovers like me, here are some hidden features you man not be using yet. I use the Kindle keyboard 3G, these tips will be of use on this device.

MP3 Music Player

I usually use my iPod for all of my music but I have recently downloaded some audiobooks for use on my Kindle. LOVE this. I'm happy to have the option for bringing my books as well as audiobooks now on my kindle where ever I go! I can also listen to music while I read. I don't usually do this, but I've added some instrumental "theme" music for background noise as of late and I love it. Find out how to do it {here}

Image Gallery

It is kind of cool to see your eReader do more than just show a text. You can add a slideshow of your favorite pictures to your Kindle by plugging your Kindle into your computer.

  1. Create a folder titled Pictures directly under the Kindle drive. 
  2. Create a sub-folder under the pictures folder. This will be your album. Name it whatever you want. 
  3. Transfer pictures to sub-folder. 
  4. Safely remove Kindle drive from Computer.
  5. Go to your Home Screen.Your newly created folder will appear as an ebook! Enjoy!

Take a Screenshot

No need to take a picture of your Kindle any longer. Just take a screenshot. Here's how you do it:

  1. Press alt, shift and G on your Kindle simultaneously.
  2. Screenshots taken will be saved in GIF formats under the documents folder.

Text to Speech:

Not the quality of an audiobook, but not bad either. Here is a great review of the text-to-speech function. Have any of you used it?

Lending Library

The Lending Library is not available to me in the UK. Boo!! But, if you are interested to read eBooks for free then check {THIS} out!

Are you using any hidden features we should all know about? Leave them in the comments!


  1. There are GAMES!!!! I found this out recently, and have yet to make a post on the blog but omg it is SO AWESOME. they aren't like, amazing games, but still. GAMES. ON MY KINDLE. Lol.

    Just press Home, then hold down Alt, Shift, and M. There's unlocks Minesweeper and GoMoKu (like Connect 4). TRY IT!

  2. Ooh, thanks for the tips! I had no idea I could do all of those things :O
    Wow! ;)

  3. I really wish I had a different Kindle! (Although I do LOVE mine!) I have the most recent cheapy. (I just couldn't justify the expense, since I have an iPad. But I prefer to read on the Kindle.)

    -Jac @ For Love and Books


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