Monday 26 October 2009

The Newsstand {2}

The News Stand is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things we think bookies should know. So scroll down to hear what we think you should glean from this week.
  • DreamWorks have picked up the rights to teen novel series Wicked. Writers Aaron and Matthew Benay are attached to adapt the bestselling books - Witch, Curse, Legacy, Spellbound, and Resurrection.
  • says In The Recession, Libraries are booming. Check out the article.
  • has the Top New Release books for under $10. They also have the top 200 books for 50% off!


  1. After reading the first two books of the Wicked series, I'm so excited for this to be made into a film. :D

  2. I haven't read the Wicked series yet. It looks like fun !

  3. Yeah!!! for libraries! They are such an awesome community resource. I'm glad they're getting such wonderful nationwide attention right now.

  4. It surprises me that CBS news is saying that because ALL Philadelphia libraries have been shut down and Phoenix libraries hours were shortened to only a few hours a day. The people may want them but the cities don't have the money. How sad! Glad Chasing Fire was #1, no surprise there!!!!!!

  5. Well, what can I say? Being a librarian is pretty much one of the best things to be ever. :-) I'm glad I caught on to it before it became a trend--ha ha!

    And as for libraries booming, it makes me envious as 3/4 of my library's budget was cut, and we can only buy what makes it on the bestseller list. Plus we had to cancel one of our best databases that patrons loved. And we can't update our computers now. When will legislation realize that cutting a library's budget hurts the entire community?!

    Sorry. Rant over.

  6. Catching fire deserves it! love that books. Wicked series, i still have 2 read them :D

  7. You have an award @ my blog! :]

  8. I'm still working on this weekly feature. I'm sure hoping it gets better each week as I get the kinks out.


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