Wednesday 15 January 2014

Confessions {7}

01. I haven't been blogging much. Oh, I've been reading. I've just not been blogging if you couldn't tell. There's a reason for it and I might {might!} blog on it. It will be a doozy that's for sure. You won't want to miss it. I just can't quit this blog here for good because I love it. Even if nobody is reading anymore.

02. I've been sucked into the hole that is historical romance and I can't get out. I just want to read everything. Well, good that is. I'm not into the whole bodice ripper thing. But I want more books like Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson. There is just something about that time period that has me.

03. I'm addicted to audiobooks right now and would actually prefer to read that way. If only I could afford to do that! They are just so easy to listen to while I do the dishes, walk into town or any of daily chores. I can't seem to focus just sitting and reading right now.

04. I'm in dire need of an amazing book. You know the kind that you can't sleep/eat/pee whatever because you are so into this amazing book? I need that. I'm stuck in mediocre book hell. Got any recs?

05. I'm writing. It's not going so well. It's harder than it looks.


  1. Sometimes we need a a bit of a break. I had one of those this time last year, where I read but didn't review. It did me good, I came back with blogging fever :)

    1. breaks are always good. No pressure. That's the kind of reading I like to do.

  2. Blogging slumps happen. I slacked on blogging and commenting last year.

    I LOVE audiobooks! I do Audible, but I also review audiobooks for Audiobook Jukebox, so you might want to check them out. ;)

    1. it's more than a slump. it's more of a "why are we all doing all this massive work for free?" thing. The cost of a book hardly even scratches the surface. You know? All for the love of reading. I love reading but it isn't smart to spend 40 hrs per week on something that doesn't make me money. While I can still enjoy reading as a hobby without all the other stuff. Other blogging niches make money from their efforts. When a book blogger tries to do we...we crucify them. It is what it is.

      I review audiobooks for Audible, Simon Audio and AudioGo. I can never have enough!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I feel ya. That's why I on the average (not counting my holiday absence) I blog only about once a week.

  3. Loooove audiobooks!!! Wish they weren't so expensive. Roslyn Landor is my favorite narrator

  4. I've been in a romance mood lately too. I prefer historical fiction but most of the ones I've been reading have been very steamy!

  5. I'm still looking for something too ...akin to Graceling or Touch of Power. Nothing is filling that void right now for me either. I do love the library for audiobooks - can't remember the last one that I actually purchased. *gasp* Is that bad to say? On historical fiction though, have you tried These Is My Words? That was a good 6 hours. :)

    1. Ugh! How did I miss that Nancy Turner was one of your favorite authors till now?! *hangs head* so my rec wasnt much help. Oh well, I'll keep looking and maybe find something to share.

  6. I can't wait for your news. Is it a wee one on the way maybe?

    I hear ya on audios. They can be pricey. I'm soooooo happy I can get them from my library.

    I need Blackmoore. I keep hoping my library gets it but I need to just bite the bullet and buy it.

  7. Great post! Pawn by Aimee Carter was really good. Have you read that yet? Plus One by Elizabeth Fama was also good. Got them both from NetGalley.


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