Tuesday 24 July 2012

Teaser:: Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

I'm a lover of the classics. I saw North and South several years ago and I was...ah-mazed. I mean Holy Hotness Mr. Thornton! Be still my heart. Ever since I have been obsessed with Elizabeth Gaskell. I've yet to read Cranford, but I did see the film. SO good! I mean, Judy Dench is in it. How can it not be good if she's in it?! It is actually very funny. Several laughable parts! I just downloaded this classic on my Kindle and I can't wait to get started.

“Out of the way! We are in the throes of an exceptional emergency! This is no occassion for sport- there is lace at stake!"


“Miss Jenkyns wore a cravat, and a little bonnet like a jockey-cap, and altogether had the appearance of a strong-minded woman; although she would have despised the modern idea of women being equal to men. Equal, indeed! She knew they were superior.” 

*I'm participating in Teaser Tuesday at Should Be Reading 


  1. Lol - makes me laugh. I really want to read this - I loved the BBC adaptation of it!

    1. I'm crazy over the BBC adaptation! Isn't it funny?! Elizabeth Gaskell is pretty funny!

  2. LOL, love the last line of the second one.

    My TT

  3. Funny teaser, sounds good!

    This week we have one thriller and one Christian Fiction: http://www.ourstack.blogspot.com/2012/07/tuesday-teasers-deep-zone-and-unlocked.html

  4. Well, I love Judi Dench, so if it was good enough for her... Here's Mine


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